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We recommend using the sandbox environment for development and testing to avoid incurring costs during development.

Data Formats

Request bodies must be in JSON format and you must pass in the following request header:

  • Content-Type: application/json

Response bodies will be in JSON format and compressed using gzip encoding. We will return the following response headers:

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Content-Encoding: gzip

Trace IDs

Each call you make to our APIs will be assigned a unique identifier. You can find this information under the X-Trace-ID response header and provide the ID in support tickets to expedite issue resolution.

Hypermedia Links

All API responses will include links to related resources. You can find related endpoint links under the links response body field.


All endpoints that return arrays will be paginated. You can set the following optional request parameters to configure pagination:

  • size: Set the number of results per page. If this parameter is not specified, the default value is 20
  • page: Set the zero-based page index to specify the page number. If this parameter is not specified, the default value is 0 which represents the first page of results.

You can find the following details about the current page of results under the page response body field:

  • size: Number of results returned in this page of response.
  • pageNumber: The zero-based page index of the current page.
  • totalElements: Total number of elements for the search across all pages.
  • totalPages: Total number of pages for the search.

You can also find the following links to help navigate to related pages under the links reponse body field:

  • first: Link to the first page of results.
  • prev: Link to the previous page of results.
  • next: Link to the next page of results.
  • last: Link to the last page of results.
  • self: Link to the current page of results.


All endpoints that return arrays support sorting on fields by setting the sort parameter using the following format property(,asc|,desc). Examples:

  • sort=npn,desc: Sorts the results by the value of the npn field in descending order
  • sort=updatedAt,asc: Sorts the results by the value of the updatedAt field in ascending order.

You can also sort on response objects by specifying a nested field. For example:

  • sort=licenseLoas.loaCode,desc: Sorts the results by the value of the loaCode field of the licenseLoas object in descending order.

If a sort order is not specified, the default sort order is ascending. For example:

  • sort=npn: Sorts the results by the value of the npn field in ascending order.


All endpoints that return arrays support filtering on specific parameters. The following filtering functionality is supported:

  • You can specify one or more value to filter on by passing a comma separated list of values. Example: states=CA,NC.

Refer to each endpoint's API reference documentation for supported parameters.