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Export Manage Data

This API enables customers of AgentSync Manage to export compliance data for active agents for downstream or datawarehousing use cases. This API is recommended if only regulatory data is needed for your integration.

Include the scope in your OAuth token request in order to use the Entities Export endpoints. Please review Authentication concepts for more details.

Export your subscribed producers in bulk

You can retrieve a paginated list of all producers you have subscribed to by calling the /v1/entities endpoint. Example:

curl --request POST --url <> \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <<BEARER\_TOKEN>>

You can retrieve a paginated list of related information for your subscribed producers by calling the below endpoints:

  • GET /v1/licenses
  • GET /v1/appointments
  • GET /v1/regulatoryActions
  • GET /v1/addresses
  • GET /v1/contactInfos
  • GET /v1/otherNames


curl --request POST --url <> \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <<BEARER\_TOKEN>>